Perl modules
Keyring family: keep passwords and sensitive tokens in secure storage
(like Gnome Keyring or KDE Wallet).
- Keyring::Auto
- Pick keyring most suitable for current environment, handle
user configuration etc. Also contains API description and
- Keyring::KDEWallet
- Save passwords to KDE Wallet.
- Keyring::Gnome
- Save passwords to Gnome Keyring.
- Keyring::PwSafe3
- Save passwords to Password Safe compatible files.
- Keyring::OSXKeychain
- Save passwords to OS/X Keychain.
- Keyring::Memory
- Emergency backend, don’t save anywhere but temporarily cache
in memory.
Other modules:
- OAuthomatic
- My take on OAuth (so far 1.0). Gives better error messages than
Net::OAuth, and spawns local micro web-app to lead user through
web-based OAuth redirects.
Smaller scripts:
- cpan_make_release
- Small script I wrote to make releasing new CPAN version easier (more or
less obsoleted by Dzil).